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Your support counts!


Every donation, irrespective of size, will support the ongoing life of Holy Trinity Cathedral and will be gratefully appreciated by all who come in contact with us. 


​The annual cost to maintain the buildings and grounds, to maintain and tune the organs and pianos, and to ensure that the doors remain open seven days a week for those that wish to visit, is significant. Your generous support towards this is valued.


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"We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us.

If your gift is giving, then give generously.

​- St Paul (Romans 12:8)

24 FOR 24


"Let us give... not reluctantly, nor under compulsion for God loves a cheerful giver.

​- 2 Corinthians 9:7

Regular gifting significantly supports this Cathedral's life and mission. Pledging is an important Christian spiritual practice, enabling us to grow intentionally in gratitude and generosity in every part of our lives.


Regular giving enables the Cathedral to budget for ministry, outreach, education and music, as well as upkeep and maintenance of our instruments, buildings and grounds. All facets of Cathedral life are supported by this giving.


Planned giving through your bank by automatic payment is available. A Tax Certificate will be issued at the end of March each financial year to enable you to claim your refund. All donations greater than $5 are eligible for a 33% tax credit.


If you wish to commence regular giving, change the timing of your present gifting or change from envelopes to automatic payment through your bank, please complete the planned giving form by clicking below.



The annual cost to maintain the buildings and grounds, to maintain and tune the organs and pianos, and to ensure that the doors remain open seven days a week for those that wish to visit, is significant. Your support towards this is appreciated.​


Every donation, irrespective of size, will support the ongoing life of Holy Trinity Cathedral and will be gratefully appreciated by the many who worship at regular services, those who mark achievements at school prizegivings, those who mourn at funerals, those who are called to remembrance at grand ceremonial civic occasions, those who are thrilled at performing arts events, those who celebrate at weddings, those who are enriched by recitals, and those who experience quiet intimate moments of reflection.


Your support counts.​


To donate please either:​

- donate via automatic payment by filling out the planned giving form above or

- donate to the Cathedral bank account: BNZ NEWMARKET 020192 0031919 00 or

- contact the Cathedral secretary on if you are unsure how to proceed.

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+64 (0)9 303 9500


446 Parnell Road


Auckland 1052

New Zealand


PO Box 37-148


Auckland 1151

New Zealand

Regular Visiting Hours 

Monday - Thursday 10am - 3pm

Friday 10am - 1pm

Saturday 10am - 12:30pm

Sunday 12pm - 3pm


Regular Office Hours

Monday - Thursday 10am - 3pm

Friday - Sunday closed

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© 2024 by Holy Trinity Cathedral | Anglican Diocese of Auckland | Site credit SW

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