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Baptism is the primary sacrament of the Christian Church.  The Cathedral baptises both adults and children.


Baptism enables us to make a response to God's love, either through the faith of parents and godparents, or personally as an adult believer.  Through baptism we become members of Christ's Church, and are united to the resurrection life of Jesus Christ.  Baptism includes images and symbols that express our faith: people, water, font, oil and light. 

At Holy Trinity Cathedral, baptism is celebrated when the church meets for worship at the regular Sunday 10am Eucharist, or during a monthly baptismal service, according to your preference.

If you wish to be baptised or have your child baptised, it is expected that you, or in the case of a child both parents, will meet with a member of the Cathedral clergy for preparation and to discuss details of the Service.


Those who are baptised are also invited to make a further profession of their baptism through confirmation at a later date.  


Each year we offer ‘Confirmation Conversations’.  This is a series of meetings, led by a member of the Cathedral clergy, during which people are invited to explore and confirm their faith, or renew their confirmation vows.  Our annual Confirmation Service is usually held towards the end of November.

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+64 (0)9 303 9500


446 Parnell Road


Auckland 1052

New Zealand


PO Box 37-148


Auckland 1151

New Zealand

Regular Visiting Hours 

Monday - Thursday 10am - 3pm

Friday 10am - 1pm

Saturday 10am - 12:30pm

Sunday 12pm - 3pm

Regular Office Hours

Monday - Thursday 10am - 3pm

Friday - Sunday closed

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